Private healthcare

Bleepa® enables private sector clinicians to view patient notes, DICOM imaging & test results and respond in a robust secure and compliant chat function enabling asynchronous collaboration with colleagues.

Bleepa® supports healthcare organisations to improve their productivity and patient outcomes in key areas including patient pathways, clinical communication, diagnostic-enhanced advice and guidance and multi-disciplinary team working.



Nurse on tablet

“The private sector has seen demand for their services consistently increase over the last few years, in some cases this demand is now overtaking pre-COVID levels. In 2023 alone we saw a seven per cent rise in private admissions, bringing the total number of admissions to around 890,000. Even within our current, challenging economic environment, we continue to see increasing numbers of both private medical insurance and self-pay cases.

All of this means that many consultants working across both the NHS and the private sector are finding that the demands on their time are relentless. One of the reasons Bleepa offers such an advantage for private hospital groups is that those consultants, who may not be physically on-premises due to their NHS work or other commitments, can still actively take part in multi-disciplinary team meetings remotely.”

Sue Jackson, Senior Sector Lead (Private and Acute)

Surgeon on table in operating theatre

For multidisciplinary team working

Bleepa®’s clinical-grade image sharing combined with its asynchronous communication supports efficient, cost-effective multi-disciplinary team working in independent care settings.

“Traditionally, MDT meetings happened face-to-face. But MDTs are increasingly using technology to enable them to ‘meet’ remotely and asynchronously. […] Virtual and hybrid meetings are now much more prevalent, and present both opportunities and challenges to effective MDT working. In the independent sector there also are different ways of operating MDTs. For example, external MDT meetings provided through NHS organisations on a Service Level Agreement or MDT meetings carried out within local independent providers (using traditional paper-based formats or digital asynchronous platforms).”

‘Multidisciplinary Team Working’ – Independent Healthcare Network Providers

For more information of how Bleepa® can deliver a best in class digital asynchronous MDT solution for your organisation, get in touch today.

Certified medical device

As a communications platform certified as a medical device for clinical results display, Bleepa® enables providers to achieve compliance with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), Care Quality Commission (CQC)  and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) requirements for clinical communication.

With Bleepa®, clinicians can collaborate at any time, whilst having a common view of a patient and access to medical images, test results and other documents in one safe, secure platform, both on and offsite. Discussions can happen flexibly on a fully auditable platform that captures them as part of the patient record, reducing the documentation burden for clinicians and ensuring a complete, integrated record is maintained.