With our interoperability capabilities and the unparalleled flexibility of our cloud architecture, we can provide healthcare organisations with a comprehensive digital health and diagnostics record. The record can supplement existing shared care records and electronic patient record systems by bringing together the relevant diagnostics and other data for clinicians to discuss with colleagues. This record can also be shared with patients through our CareLocker® solution.
The record, and any clinical communication associated, is fully auditable and can write back to the patient’s medical record in order to meet the Care Quality Commission’s requirements to keep a ‘contemporaneous’ record (existing at the same time) to maintain clinical safety and reduce medico-legal risks.

Integrating with healthcare systems across care settings
We collaborate with a number of healthcare organisations to integrate with document management, patient management and referral systems in primary and secondary care. We are able to interoperate with any additional healthcare IT systems depending on customer needs.
Our patient-centric cloud architecture supports our solutions’ functionality, enabling controlled access for clinicians across care settings whilst simultaneously creating patient-specific records of care episodes.

Integration engine
We use the industry standard Mirth healthcare integration engine, supplemented with our own custom libraries, to manage incoming and outgoing messages. This supports HL7, FHIR, direct SQL connection and web services.
Typical scenarios include:
Use of ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer) messages to update the location and status of patients.
Use of OMG (Generic Clinical Order)/ ORM (Order Entry message)/ ORU (Observation Results Unsolicited) messages to track the status of examinations and results from radiology, labs, etc.
Use of SIU (Scheduling Information Unsolicited) to track out patient appointments.
Use of MDM (Medical Document Management) to export transcripts of conversations on discharge.

Document management
Documents can be uploaded to Bleepa® via HL7, file drops or image capture and can be sent from Bleepa® to destinations such as document management systems, EPR or primary care via HL7, GP Connect / MESH or integration with trust document transfer systems.

PACS systems
We have connections to various picture archiving communication systems (PACS) for sending, receiving, and querying DICOM images.
DICOM services include DICOM Store SCP and SCP, CFind SCU / SCP and CMove SCU / SCP.