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Calculate time and cost savings for multidisciplinary team meetings

Multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings are still an essential part of managing care for patients with complex conditions. However,  MDTs can be more efficient and effective with asynchronous working. Less complex cases can be dealt with more rapidly outside of the traditional face-to-face or virtual meeting setting.

By using a digital platform like Bleepa® to discuss patient cases as diagnostic results become available, your organisation can release clinical time back for clinicians and reduce costs. To work out how much your organisation can save fill in our MDT costs calculator below.

Use our calculator to work out your MDT cost and time savings

References for calculations


The following mean salaries were used to calculate the cost of involvement in MDTs (senior consultant’s salary used was in the top band).

Job function Average annual salary (£) Cost per hour (£) Average no. in attendance Cost per MDT (£) Reference for salary
Senior consultant 139,882 76.02 4 650.76 NHS Consultant Doctors’ Pay across the UK | IMG Connect Ltd
Junior doctor 60,167 28.93 4 247.61 Pay for doctors | Health Careers
Nursing staff 39,500 18.99 2 81.28 Nursing Salary, Pay Scale and Bands 2024 –
Non-clinical staff 25,000 12.02 1 12.02 MDT Coordinator – Oncology

Time estimations

Average time per MDT 2.14 hrs The Cost of the MDT | The BMJ
Average time per patient 4 mins The Cost of the MDT | The BMJ
Bleepa efficiency target 3.75 x