Bleepa wins two NHS contract awards





Feedback Medical

Feedback plc


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We are excited to announce that we have been awarded two twelve-month contracts to provide Bleepa across two NHS Trusts, for an aggregate value of £200,000.

The first contract follows a successful pilot and co-development on the platform over the last two years, representing our first full-cycle realisation of its pilot-to-contract business model.

The second represents a contract renewal following the success of an initial one-year contract, at a higher value than the initial contract.

“We are delighted to see the value of Bleepa as a core clinical system recognised through the award of two customer contracts. Over the last year we have significantly grown the number of Bleepa users and it is good to see this growth recognised in the uplift in contract value achieved. These contracts are early evidence of the success of our 2019 strategic shift,”

Dr Tom Oakley, CEO, Feedback PLC.